EUCAIM launches Open Call for new consortium beneficiaries
The EUCAIM Consortium is thrilled to announce the launch of its open call, inviting new beneficiaries to join the EUCAIM consortium. This call is geared towards incorporating new data into the EUCAIM platform and training, benchmarking, and validating AI algorithms for cancer imaging.
The objectives of the EUCAIM open call are:
- to onboard new cancer image data holders, enhancing the platform’s geographic dimensions, data modalities, and cancer targets;
- to include reliable AI algorithms trained on the repository’s cancer image data.
To achieve these objectives, new beneficiaries will implement data incorporation, scientific, and/or clinical use cases. These use cases play a pivotal role in outlining technical, ethical, and legal steps, ultimately improving clinical outcomes and patient care.
The following use cases are accepted for this call:
- Incorporation of large amounts of cancer imaging data into the Cancer Image Europe platform for further re-use, which can be leveraged to address relevant clinical questions (either into the central repository or through the federation of local repositories)
- Development, training, benchmarking and/or validation of AI algorithms
- Clinical use cases addressing a specific question (e.g. identification of imaging biomarkers)
The prospective implementation duration for applicants is expected to be between 18-24 months, with a total maximum budget of 3,852,000 EUR (1,926,000 EUR EC contribution).
Deadline for submission is June 10th, 2024. Interested parties are encouraged to visit for further details on the open call. If you wish to apply, this is the link for the application form:
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to advance cancer research and innovation!
AI-POD First Stakeholder Board and End-User Webinar
📰NEWS: Call for proposals to support integration of cancer images into the federated pan-European Infrastructure to foster screening programmes
Exciting news! The European Commission has released information on the new EU4Health call: CR-g-24-37 Call for proposals to support integration of cancer images into the federated pan-European infrastructure to foster screening programmes. The tentative calendar of the upcoming call can be found here.
Expected Outcome
The action will support hospitals and other imaging repositories, for example those involved in conducting cancer screening, in creating enabling conditions for becoming a node in the European federated infrastructure of cancer imaging data. Short-term improvements include strengthening the collaboration between national and regional screening programmes for breast, lung and prostate cancers, with the European Cancer Imaging Infrastructure in particular regarding the management of the screening data and opportunistic screening (as opposed to organised, population-based screening programmes) and with the relevant infrastructures of the proposed European Health Data Space, such as HealthData@EU. The project beneficiaries are expected to represent a wide range of relevant stakeholders such as researchers, NGOs, experts, Member States institutions and industry.In the mid-term, this action is expected to increase the geographical reach of the European Cancer Imaging Initiative. It will also contribute to the alignment of the European Cancer Imaging Infrastructure with the proposed EHDS infrastructures and processes. Close collaboration of projects participants is expected with the European Cancer Imaging Initiative, in particular the EUCAIM project, and with relevant stakeholders involved in the implementation of the proposed EHDS regulatory framework. Links should be established with EU4Health actions on screening, Comprehensive Cancer Centres in Member States and other relevant actions under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and Cancer Mission, as well as with other relevant actions concerning the proposed EHDS. The action shall contribute to other relevant actions under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and the Cancer Mission.
The action will provide enabling support for cancer imaging data providers, to contribute to and benefit from the European Cancer Imaging Initiative. The action will improve readiness of national, regional or local imaging data repositories to connect and make available their data via the European infrastructure of cancer images data established under the DIGITAL programme (EUCAIM project) and to use this infrastructure for data enrichment and insights by accessing the nodes, tools and methodologies offered by EUCAIM. This action is relevant for the proposed European Health Data Space. In order to contribute to the planned EHDS, this action will seek alignment with the relevant EHDS infrastructures (MyHealth@EU and HealthData@EU). Where applicable, it will link cancer imaging databases with the relevant bodies and infrastructures in the proposed EHDS, particularly health data access bodies and HealthData@EU. This action will also explore ways to leverage on the EHDS interoperability specifications for the European Electronic Health Record exchange Format, including relevant eHealth Network guidelines, as well as minimum specifications for datasets to be used for research and innovation.
Total budget: €8 000 000
Indicative publication date: June 18th, 2024
Submission deadline: October 10th, 2024
Stay tuned for more information on EUCAIM’s website and the EC funding and tenders portal.
📢Webinar: EUCAIM Cancer Image Europe Platform
We have great news to share with all of you! On March 14th, 2024, EUCAIM is organising a webinar to go through the Cancer Image Europe platform.
The webinar is for AI innovators and data providers that are interested in the platform. This webinar will feature an introduction to EUCAIM and Cancer Image Europe, as well as a demonstration of data exploration and access.
This is your opportunity to learn how to access and utilize our federated cancer image repository!
EIBIR at ECR 2024
Save the dates! 🗓️ EIBIR is thrilled to host 7 insightful sessions at ECR 2024 from February 28 to March 3. 🌐 Check out the full congress program on ESR Connect here!
All EIBIR project-related sessions, as well as the ECR sessions will be of open access. All you need is to log in ESR Connect with your ESR MyUserArea credentials or create an account.
Don’t forget to come by EIBIR’s booth on level 1 at any time for a chat and to explore our latest projects and funding opportunities for imaging research! Looking forward to seeing you at ECR 2024!
Meet our Scientific Director at ECR 2024:
🌟 Don’t miss the opportunity to meet EIBIR’s Scientific Director! Join us for exclusive slots where you can engage directly with Prof. Regina Beets-Tan. Gain valuable insights and discuss future collaborations.
Save the date now! 🗓️
Wednesday, February 28th: 15:30-16:00 CET
Friday, March 1st: 09:45-10:15 CET
Saturday, March 2nd: 10:45-11:15 CET
List of project-related sessions:
SAMIRA: a European Commission initiative to strengthen quality and safety in imaging (The following EIBIR projects will hold a presentation: EURAMED rocc’n’roll, SIMPLERAD and MARLIN). February 28, 13:00-14:30 CET, Room M2.
Artificial intelligence (AI) for health imaging: pioneering cancer image repositories for diagnosis and analysis (The following projects will hold a presentation: CHAIMELEON, EuCanImage, INCISIVE, ProCancer-I and EUCAIM). February 29, 8:00-9:00 CET, Room M1.
Implementing lung cancer screening programmes in Europe (SOLACE Project). February 29, 14:00-15:30 CET, Room M1.
Innovative tools for comprehensive risk assessment in radiology: insights from the SINFONIA Project. March 1, 9:30-11:00 CET, Room M1.
From pixels to probes: unveiling the potential of integrated photonics in medical imaging. (The following projects will hold a presentation: HyperProbe and Med-IPUT). March 1, 12:30-13:30, Room M1.
From seed to success: exciting projects funded by the ESR Research Seed Grant Global. (The session introduces the ESR Research Seed Grant Global funding scheme). March 2, 8:00-9:00 CET, Room M1.
EUCAIM at the forefront: innovating radiology with Europe’s cancer image infrastructure for artificial intelligence (AI). March 2, 16:00-17:30 CET, Room M1.
Artificial intelligence (AI), real impact: redefining clinical decision making based on medical images. (The following projects will hold a presentation: RadioVal, ODELIA and AI-POD, along with upcoming funding opportunities and EIBIR activities). March 3, 11:30-12:30 CET, Room M1.
EIBIR interviews at ECR Studio:
Funding the Future: A Dialogue with EIBIR’s Scientific Director on Navigating EU Research Opportunities
Saturday, March 2nd, 16:00 – 16:30
Guest: Prof. Regina Beets-Tan
In this interview, the EIBIR Scientific Director Prof. Regina Beets-Tan will share their insights on how the organisation navigates the European funding programmes, aligns its research efforts with its objectives and prioritises the projects it supports. Join us as we delve into the inner workings of EIBIR and discover how it is contributing to the European Health Union.
Unveiling the Future: The Impact of EUCAIM’s First Platform Release on AI in Cancer Research
Saturday, March 2, 15:00-15:30
Guests: Dr. Esther Bron
Join us for an insightful interview as we delve into the transformative impact of EUCAIM’s first platform release on the landscape of cancer research. Our discussion will unravel the significance of this milestone, examining how the platform is set to revolutionize cancer research.
SOLACE Insight: Strengthening Lung Cancer Screening Across Europe
Saturday, March 2, 16:00 – 16:30
Guests: Prof. Helmut Prosch
The SOLACE project assesses the current state of policies, needs, and best practices of Lung Cancer Screening (LCS) in EU member states and produces a comprehensive guideline and implementation package covering all steps of the lung cancer screening pathway: evidence-based guidelines, technical papers, documents regarding quality assurance, methodology, benefit-harm balance, and cost-effectiveness.
IHI launches calls 6 and 7
We are happy to share with you the news that IHI has launched on January 16th, the calls 6 and 7. Of particular relevance to our community is call 7, which covers topic 1 (clinical management of heart disease) and topic 3 (clinical validation of biomarkers).Make sure to click here to read the news piece from IHI with further information on the calls.
IHI – call 6 (two stage)
Topic 1: Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases
Topic 2: Development of evidence based practical guidance for sponsors on the use of real-world data / real-world evidence
Deadline for short proposals: 16 April 2024 at 17:00 Brussels time
Call web page:!RjXdcH
IHI – call 7 (single-stage)
Topic 1: Improving clinical management of heart disease from early detection to treatment
Topic 2: User-centric technologies and optimised hospital workflows for a sustainable healthcare workforce
Topic 3: Clinical validation of biomarkers for diagnosis, monitoring disease progression and treatment response
Deadline for full proposals: 22 May 2024 at 17:00 Brussels time.
Call web page:!64yx8Y
ODELIA Project Video Unveiled
A new video by our ODELIA (Open Consortium for Decentralized Medical Artificial Intelligence) project has just been released. offering a captivating glimpse into the world of Swarm Learning and its impact on healthcare. Learn more about how ODELIA aims to revolutionise medical AI, ensuring privacy, collaboration, and better patient outcomes:
AI-POD Project Video Released
AI-POD is excited to share a new project video highlighting our project’s objective to transform cardiovascular health. This video introduces our innovative AI-based risk score, designed to predict and prevent obesity-related heart issues. AI-POD aims to empower clinicians with advanced tools, including a Clinical Decision Support System, while also giving individuals a user-friendly Citizen App to monitor their health.
Learn more about the AI-POD project at
Watch the video here:
The ESR Research Seed Grants 2024 are here! 🎉
Exciting News! The ESR Research Seed Grants 2024 are here! 🎉
The European Society of Radiology (ESR) and the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR) are thrilled to introduce the ESR Research Seed Grant Programme’s third call for proposals!
🌍 2024 Thematic Areas:
1) Contrast-enhanced Imaging
2) Imaging Surveillance in Cancer Treatment
💰 Funding Amount: €5,000 – €7,000
🗓️ Deadline: December 10, 2023
📢 Up to 10 seed grants to be awarded in 2024!
💻 To learn more about eligibility criteria and guidelines, please visit the following link: ESR Research Seed Grant
This is your chance to turn your vision into a reality and make a meaningful impact in the field of radiology. 📊 We are looking forward to your applications! 🔬
Join Leading Experts In Shaping AI In Cancer: Survey Invitation From The EUCAIM Project
EUCAIM is looking for your feedback! The EU-funded EUCAIM project coordinated by EIBIR is reaching out to potential end-users and stakeholders through a recently published Stakeholder Survey. This survey is carried out in order to understand your expectations and to identify essential aspects for future engagement and collaboration with EUCAIM’s platform!
Therefore, we would like to invite you to participate in the Stakeholder Survey about the Cancer Image Europe platform.
Completing the survey will take approximately 10 minutes. Your participation is crucial to the success of this project, and we deeply appreciate your expertise in shaping the future of cancer imaging and treatment.
Click here to access the survey
Responses are anonymous, unless you leave your contact details for more information about workshops and training events. In case of questions, please contact
The EUCAIM project is establishing the Cancer Image Europe platform, a robust and trustworthy space for researchers, clinicians, and innovators to access diverse cancer images. This platform will facilitate benchmarking, testing, and piloting of AI-driven technologies. EUCAIM is one of the flagship activities under the EU’s European Cancer Imaging Initiative.
To learn more about EUCAIM and the Cancer Image Europe platform, the project has prepared a short video:
To follow EUCAIM’s journey, please visit their website and connect with them on social media: