EIBIR at ECR 2022

Five dedicated EIBIR sessions will take place during ECR 2022 from July 13-17, 2022.

Seize this opportunity to learn about our successful research projects, ask the experts about artificial intelligence in medical imaging, image collections, safety in radiology, or new directions in pre-clinical imaging and learn how to succeed in the European funding landscape.

Visit the EIBIR Lounge to talk to us about funding opportunities for imaging research.

We look forward to seeing you at ECR!


The MEDIRAD project: improving medical radiation protection for patients and staff (Open access)

July 13, 11:30-12:30 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (E. Cardis; Barcelona/ES, G. Frija; Paris/FR)
– CT exposure in childhood and subsequent risk of cancer (I. Thierry-Chef, Barcelona/ES)
– Patient-specific radiation dose and cancer risk for chest CT (J. Damilakis; Iraklion/EL)
Cardiac CT and cardiac MRI biomarkers before and after breast cancer irradiation: the EARLY-HEART study (E. Mousseaux; Paris/FR)
Effectiveness of staff radioprotective equipment during interventional procedures with a special focus on the eye lens and the brain (J. Dabin; Mol/BE)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (N. Peld; Vienna/AT)
– Panel discussion: How can the results of the MEDIRAD project be translated into daily clinical practice?


New applications and technologies for the medical use of ionising radiation and related quality and safety perspectives (an update from the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project)

July 13, 13:00-14:00 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (C. Hoeschen; Magdeburg/DE, K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
– New applications and technologies in interventional procedures (C. Iosif, Nicosia/CY)
– New developments in paediatric radiology (C. Granata; Genoa/IT)
– The clinical EURAMED rocc-n-roll perspective on new developments (K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
– Open forum discussion


New directions in preclinical molecular imaging

July 13, 15:00-16:00 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (S. Aime; Turin/IT)
Role of intracellular water lifetime as a tumour biomarker detectable by “in vivo” fast-field cycling relaxometry (S. Geninatti; Turin /IT)
The multiple dimensions of state-of-the-art optoacoustic imaging (V. Ntziachristos; Munich/DE)
EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (K. Krischak; Vienna/AT)
– Discussion


Image collection: opportunities for succeeding in imaging research

July 15, 14:00-15:00 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (G. Krestin; Rotterdam/NL)
– Magnetic resonance imaging before breast cancer surgery: results of an observational multicenter international prospective analysis (MIPA) (F. Sardanelli; Milan/IT)
– EIBIR Imaging Biobank Catalogue: Find and identify datasets for imaging research (TBD)
– Succeeding in imaging research with help from EIBIR (P. Grodebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Discussion


Big data and artificial intelligence in cancer imaging (Open access)

July 15, 16:00-17:00 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (M. Dewey; Berlin/DE)
– Main aspects on data repositories in cancer imaging (L. Marti-Bonmati; Valencia/ES)
– Building and validating artificial intelligence workflows in cancer imaging (K. Lekadir; Barcelona/ES)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (P. Gordebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Panel discussion: Can causality be inferred from medical images?


Safety in radiology: advancing medical imaging to the next level with EIBIR support (Open access)

July 16, 10:30-11:30 CEST

– Chairpersons’ introduction (G. Krestin, Rotterdam/NL)
– Alternatives to gadolinium: developing an alternative to gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) (R. Katz-Bull; Jersualem/IL)
– Radiation risk appraisal for detrimental effects from radiation exposure during the management of patients with cancer: the SINFONIA project (A. Dasu; Skandion/SE)
– EIBIR activities and upcoming funding opportunities (P. Gordebeke; Vienna/AT)
– Open forum discussion


How to register for open access sessions at the ECR

In order to access the open access sessions please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the session page on ESR Connect and select the session you would like to attend
  2. Click on ‚Login’ in the upper right corner and enter your ESR MyUserArea credentials or create a new ESR account for free (after you have created your account please visit the session page once again)
  3. The session is now saved in your user menu under ‘My Courses’ which can be accessed via your user icon in the upper right corner

IHI seeks experts for Science and Innovation Panel

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) is a new EU funding stream that builds on the experience of the previous Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), the public-private partnership programme for medicines, but has been broadened to include medical technology.

IHI aims to “help create an EU-wide health research and innovation ecosystem that facilitates the translation of scientific knowledge into tangible innovations. These innovations should be safe, effective, people-centred and cost-effective, and cover prevention, diagnostics, treatment and disease management.

The ESR and EIBIR have worked closely with COCIR to provide input to the development of the funding scheme and potential topics for imaging.

Notably, the first tentative call outlines include topics highly relevant to imaging.

On 24 January 2022, the IHI launched an open call for experts for its new Science and Innovation Panel (SIP). The panel will play an important role in setting IHI’s priorities and designing calls for proposals.

Interested experts who want to apply to be part of the panel in one of these roles should submit an expression of interest by 21 February 2022. For more information, click here

We encourage expert to apply and help guide the initial phase of IHI.

Apply now for the ESR Research Seed Grant 2022

Following the highly successful ESR Seed Grant Initiative in 2020, EIBIR, in collaboration with the European Society of Radiology (ESR), is pleased to invite applications for the ESR Research Seed Grants 2022, which have been kindly supported by an unrestricted, non-exclusive grant from GE Healthcare.

The purpose of this programme is to stimulate and provide funding for innovative projects and pilot studies that will subsequently lead to larger studies and further funding applications.

Project proposals must align with the ESR Research Seed Grants thematic areas. The funding priority 2022 is for research in Artificial Intelligence (including quantitative imaging and radiomics) and Interventional oncologic radiology.

The application deadline is: March 10, 2022 (11:59 am CET).

Learn more.

Euro-BioImaging virtual pub on December 10: COLD in imaging

Euro-BioImaging and the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board are pleased to announce that the next special edition of the Virtual Pub will take place on December 10, 2021. In line with the season, we will focus on the theme of “COLD” in imaging.

We are inviting abstracts for 5 minute Flash talks about any topic related to “COLD” in imaging. Be creative! Possible interpretations of “COLD” include:

  • Biology of the cold – from cold receptors and arctic organisms to brain reactions to cold and infections with common cold viruses
  • Cold-related metabolism including fat metabolism
  • Cold technologies – from cooling and freezing samples to low-temperature and cryo-imaging techniques
  • Keeping your sample or equipment cool – from reducing laser output and keeping high-power magnetic coils cool to incubating your sample at controlled low temperatures
  • Cold isotopes in molecular imaging

Please submit your abstract by November 22!

Prizes will be awarded to all speakers!

For more information, click the link.
COLD in imaging: Euro-BioImaging virtual pub

SOLUS end user workshop on its multimodal system for better diagnosis of breast cancer

The SOLUS projects invites everyone to an online end user workshop about its multimodal system for better diagnosis of breast cancer on December 3rd from 14:00 – 18:00 CET.

The workshop will present the project achievements, discussing advances in photonics, the newly developed smart optode and the multimodal SOLUS system for better breast cancer diagnostics.

The EU-funded project SOLUS (Smart Optical and Ultrasound Diagnostics for Breast Cancer) aims at improving the diagnosis of breast cancer through an innovative multimodal imaging system with the ability to differentiate between benign and malignant lesions non-invasively. To achieve that, SOLUS combines ultrasound imaging with diffuse optical tomography, and assessing tissue morphology, stiffness, composition and blood parameters at the same time.

The development of the novel SOLUS system required significant advances in photonics; we‘ve developed a Smart Optode as the key element of the imaging system, but also available a stand-alone device for time-domain multi-wavelength diffuse optics, with potential applications in medical and non-medical fields.

The SOLUS End User Workshop is open to everyone who is interested in breast cancer diagnostics, medical imaging and photonics.

The smart optode‘s potential as an independent photonics device will also be discussed.

You can find a flyer with the full program here.

You can register for the workshop here.

A detailed programme will follow shortly.

EU4Health 2021 work programme hopes to improve radiation technology for cancer treatment

The EU4Health 2021 Work Programme hopes to provide a robust response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with grants for projects that will improve general wellness; tackle cross-border health threats; improve medicinal products, medical devices and crisis-relevant products; and strengthen health systems, their resilience and resource efficiency.

As part of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, improving the use of radiation technology in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer is the target of grant 2.3 EU4H-2021-PJ-03, which will distribute up to €3.5 million in funding. The projects are expected to enhance the quality and safety of medical radiation applications, workforce education and training, and equal access to modern medical radiation technology and interventions.

The project will also cooperate with the Strategic Agenda for Medical Ionising Radiation Applications (SAMIRA).

The deadline for proposal submission is September 15, and as many as 5 proposals will be selected. The expected duration of each project is 24 months.

Register now for the 5th European Radiation Protection Week

Organised by the European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED), the 5th European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW) will be held as a hybrid onsite/online event at the Billrothhaus on 22–24 November 2021 in Vienna, Austria.

Topics will include:

  • Lessons learned by European RP platforms from large nuclear accidents
  • Challenges in research on individual radiosensitivity and susceptibility
  • Envisioning the future of radiation protection research: big data, AI and beyond
  • Plus abstract and poster sessions

Additionally, workshops related to adverse outcome pathways and inhomogeneous exposures (hosted by the Multidisciplinary European Low-Dose Initiative (MELODI)) as well as the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project and the annual EURAMED General Assembly will also take place.

Registration is available online. Abstract submission ended on 21 August. Thank you for your enlightening submissions!

EIBIR is pleased to welcome all participants! For question, please email the conference organiser.

The Euro BioImaging network is growing to advance access to imaging technology and research

Adding a dozen new nodes and one member state in the past year, Euro BioImaging is rapidly expanding its network of research facilities. The new additions will broaden the network’s array of imaging technologies as well as access to research opportunities. Poland has acceded as a member state, including cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Education and Science and a new node, a consortium of imaging facilities known as the Advanced Light Microscopy Node Poland. Euro BioImaging also offers a number of upcoming events, all of which are detailed in their newsletter.

New Euratom Research and Training Programme provides funding for radiation protection research

As part of the Euratom Research and Training Programme approved today by the European Commission, research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation will receive €30 million funding over the next five years (2021­­–2025). Funding is intended to improve exposure risk estimates in a broad range of scenarios for members of the public, patients, workers and the environment. A number of additional issues, such as the link between exposure and effects, emergency preparedness and radiation protection guidelines, will also be addressed. In line with the mission statement of the European Alliance for Medical Radiation Protection Research (EURAMED), proposals in accordance with Horizon Europe guidelines for European partnerships that will strengthen the knowledge base and develop innovative means to examine the impact of ionising radiation and improve protection are encouraged, beginning 7 July.

Link to the release

Link to funding & tender opportunities

Invitation: Euro-BioImaging User Forum: “Understanding and Fighting Cancer”

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on “Understanding and Fighting Cancer”. The event takes place on June 17, 2021 from 14:00-17:00 CEST.

This event will highlight the importance of cutting-edge imaging technologies in support of cancer research and showcase the specific expertise available at our 25 Nodes across Europe. In addition, keynote presentations from Kevin Brindle, University of Cambridge, and Frank Winkler, DKFZ, will further reveal the potential of biological and biomedical imaging technologies to boost cancer research.

Register here.

More information: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/news/join-us-for-the-first-euro-bioimaging-user-forum-understanding-and-fighting-cancer/

Please help us spread the word within your network! The event is open to everyone.