EIBIR, the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO), and the European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics (EFOMP) have since January 2023 spearheaded the SAMIRA study on reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in radiotherapy, interventional cardiology, nuclear medicine and interventional and diagnostic radiology, or MARLIN project. The study has collected and analysed information on the implementation of Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom (Basic Safety Standards Directive or BSSD) requirements for reporting and learning from patient-related incidents and near misses in these five clinical areas and developed best-practice consensus guidelines on the implementation of the BSSD. Thus, MARLIN aims to stimulate further national and EU-wide efforts in this area.

As the project nears completion, the consortium will present its results and recommendations at a workshop at the BluePoint Brussels on 5–6 September 2024, and stakeholders in the regulation, implementation and operation of incident learning systems from clinical facilities, competent authorities and professional societies are kindly invited to discuss the relevant issues.

  • The workshop begins at approximately 13:00 on Sept. 5 and ends approximately at 16:00 on Sept. 6
  • The draft programme is available on the project website
  • Registration: Participation is free of charge, but registration is required using an online form by Sunday, June 30. Onsite attendance will be confirmed by email following completion of the registration form, as seats are limited.
  • Participants are responsible for their travel and hotel arrangements and related costs.

The workshop will bring together the following groups.

  • National competent authorities
  • National health authorities
  • European and national professional societies
  • European and international bodies such as the European Commission and Heads of the European Radiological Protection Competent Authorities
  • European and international experts in the field
  • Patient representatives
  • Industry
  • SAMIRA SGQS and article 31 WP MED

We look forward to your participation and feedback on the project’s work!
This project has received funding from the European Commission under Service Contract N° ENER/2022/NUCL/SI2.880751.